Jumat, 15 April 2011

Medali Perang "Orde - Vrede" FA. A. TACK BREDA

Medali Perang "Orde - Vrede" FA. A. TACK BREDA

The Cross was instituted on 2 December 1947 for military with a minimum 3 months’ service in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) between 1945 and 1949. After the end of World War II, Dutch forces succeeded in reimposing control over most of Indonesia but were met with resistance and guerilla warfare. Faced with mounting international criticism and with no end to the conflict in sight, the Dutch withdrew in December 1949 and Indonesia became independent.

Eight-pointed bronze star with integral crown suspension; the face with a circular central medallion with the letter ‘W’, encircled by a garter inscribed ‘ORDE - VREDE’ (Order - Peace) surmounted by crossed daggers; the reverse plain with makers marks ‘FS.INV’ and KON – BEGEER VOORSCHOTEN’; on original ribbon in the Dutch style by Firma A. Tack of Breda with ‘1946’ and  ‘1947’ bars.

Keterangan : Koleksi Pribadi

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