Jumat, 27 September 2013

Light Meter "Weston Master II Model 735" Circa 1945-55

Light Meter "Weston Master II Model 735" Circa 1945-55

Light Meter "Weston Master II" Universal Exposure Meter, made in USA, dimana Light Meter ini diproduksi sekitar tahun 1945 s/d 1955, alat ini masih berfungsi dengan baik dan bisa digunakan untuk pemotretan dengan akurasi yang cukup baik untuk mengukur cahaya disekitarnya, barang ini masuk kategori barang yang cukup langka, karena jarang banyak dijumpai dan menarik untuk dikoleksi

Keterangan dan gambar dibawah ini diambil dari Web bersangkutan :

WESTON MASTER II MODEL 735 - 1945-55. Ask the typical consumer camera owner today what a light meter is and most could not tell you even though they make use of one every time they take a photograph. All new cameras now except the very cheapest and some speciality models have the light meter built in. This was not so in the past. Before so much technology was built into the camera itself, it was necessary for the photographer to use some type of device to determine the strength of the light in order to properly set aperture and shutter speed. Weston was one of a number of companes that produced hand-held light meters over the years, but no longer do so bcause of the almost total dominence of cameras with internal light meters. Light meters came in two general types; those that read reflected light and were pointed at the subject, and those that read light fallling on the subject and were thus pointed at the light source. Some types did both. The above light meter was donated to the museum by Joan Klonowski, Grants, New Mexico.

Keterangan : Harga Rp.350.000,-  (Harga Lama) menjadi Rp.250.000,- (Harga Baru) (sudah termasuk ongkos kirim khusus untuk P. Jawa)


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